If your college or university is concerned with meeting education regulatory compliance standards, then Gallegos Legal Group can provide reliable guidance. Our firm understands the difficulty of complying with myriad state and federal regulations, and we are well versed in the regulatory standards that apply to your institution.
What Types of Institutions Does Gallegos Legal Group Represent?
Whether you are a proprietary institution of higher education, a public institution, or a non-profit college or university, our firm has the resources and knowledge to represent your institution. Our clients appreciate having skilled legal counsel who can take a comprehensive and detailed approach to addressing their problems. Gallegos Law Group is available for initial consultations with two broad classes of client institutions:
- Clients without general in-house counsel, that need broad guidance on federal financial aid eligibility, student grievances, and other state or federal compliance issues.
- Clients that have general counsel or compliance professionals who are looking for targeted guidance in the nuances of federal regulatory law, or need support counsel for reviews, audits and other adversarial proceedings.
For every client, our firm offers a highly detailed problem solving approach that identifies areas of potential regulatory risk or non-compliance. We assist you in implementing policies and procedures that prevent or limit the potential for audits and reviews that could delay or obstruct access to funding.
Gallegos Legal Group: Legal Counsel For Education Regulatory Compliance
We invite you to schedule a consultation with us so that we can learn more about your specific regulatory challenges or concerns. Our firm works with corporate officers, general counsel, financial aid professionals, academic deans and human resource staff to address the following types of issues:
- Eligibility for Federal Student Aid.
- State Licensing Requirements.
- Maintaining Program Accreditation.
- Internal Investigations for Regulatory Compliance.
- Defense of Compliance Reviews and Audits by the Department of Education.
- Compliance with the Violence Against Women Act.